The 2024 seminars are over. Next year's seminars will start in June, 2025

Find More Birds
Just for Upland Bird Hunters
The Western Birds seminar program is about teaching hunters in Southern California WHERE to go on public lands for upland birds - doves, quail, and chukar. Most seminars are broken down into three parts: 1) Resources: Mostly about public land resources, how to use them, and where it's legal to hunt; 2) Four Keys: Focus is on the importance of water for gamebirds in Southern California and how to find water sources; 3) Where: We provide detailed where-to-go information, and all fee seminars include the special dove issue of the Western Birds newsletter.

Public Land Maps, US Geological Survey Maps, Mapping Software, and GPS Units and how to use them for your hunting
The seminars provide detailed information on the different types of maps -- printed, digital, and Internet -- that you need to use to become a more successful bird hunter. We talk about how to use maps for both hunting and scouting and making sure you are legally hunting on public lands. We also cover ordinance information so you don't run afoul of city or county law enforcement officials. We also tell you where you can get all this information.
2. THE 4 KEYS WATER, WATER, WATER is No. 1. Guzzlers, springs, and stock tanks provide important water to Southern California's gamebirds and knowing their locations is a key to hunting success in this region
Knowing the water sources is by far the single most important factor in successful quail, chukar, and dove hunting in the southern half of the state. Our seminars explain how to find springs, stock tanks, and guzzlers. We talk about how close the various species of gamebirds must stay to water and how to focus your efforts to become a more successful bird hunter. We also give you the other three keys to being a successful bird hunter in this region.

3. WHERE TO GO Last, the seminars give a broad overview of the best hunting areas in the Southern California region for quail, chukar, and doves. And then we give you the specifics!
We have no problem telling you exactly where we hunted last week because there are more good places to hunt game birds in this region than there are bird hunters left in the state. So we cover what we believe are the four best areas in the region in broad terms -- the Mojave National Preserve, the Red Mountain region, the West Mojave, and the Carrizo Plain. But then we talk about specifics within these areas -- including specific canyons and water sources in those canyon. We know your secret spot and 15 places nearby you probably don't know about.
The 2024 seminars are ended. They were held at the following dates and times. Weekend seminars will at Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises in Eastvale, while weekday sessions will be at Bass Pro Shops in Rancho Cucamonga.
Seminars were 2 to 2 1/2 hours in length. We gave out a study guides, but everyone was encouraged to bring a notebook. The following information is for the 2024 seminars and is left here so you can get an idea of the 2025 session locations and costs.
The 2024 seminars cost $60 per person. But if you decided to subscribe to our Western Birds newsletter you only pay the newsletter price -- making the seminar free.
The "new subscriber" price for a subscription is $225. It includes the next six issues as they are published, along with your choice of four back issues. Depending on which issues you choose, you can get 250 or more guzzler locations in the best hunting regions of Southern California.
Dates/Times/Locations were as follows:
o 10 a.m.-Noon, Sunday, June 2 at Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises
o 6-8 p.m., Thursday, June 13 at Bass Pro Shops, Rancho Cucamonga
o 10 a.m.-Noon, Saturday, June 22 at Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises
o 6-8 p.m., Thursday, July 11 at Bass Pro Shops, Rancho Cucamonga
o 10 a.m.-Noon, Saturday, July 13 at Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises
o 6-8 p.m., Tuesday, July 23 at Bass Pro Shops, Rancho Cucamonga
o 10 a.m.-Noon, Saturday, July 27 at Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises
o 10 a.m.-Noon, Saturday, Aug. 3 at Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises
o 10 a.m.-Noon, Saturday, Aug. 17 at Mike Raahauge Shooting Enterprises
An information packet and registration form is available on this page.
If you have any questions you can call Jim Matthews at 909-887-3444 or send an e-mail to him at odwriter@verizon.net.
The FREE Seminars
The Turner's Outdoorsman FREE seminars were added to this schedule. These are mini versions of our $60 seminars, with most lasting 45 minutes to an hour and held weekday evenings in July and August at stores from San Diego to Los Angeles counties.
Seating is limited at these events, so reserving a set is recommended by calling the store location in advance.
Here is a list of dates, start times, store location,and phone numbers for these events:
o 5:30 p.m, Wednesday, July 24 at San Marcos Turner's, 760-741-1570.
o 5:30 p.m, Thursday, July 25 at El Cajon Turner's, 619-444-3700.
o 5:30 p.m, Wednesday, August 7 at Lake Forest Turner's, 949-523-6370.
o 5:30 p.m, Thursday, August 8 at Orange Turner's, 714-974-0600.
o 5:30 p.m, Tuesday, August 13 at Norwalk Turner's, 562-929-4065.
o 5:30 p.m, Wednesday, August 14 at Fountain Valley Turner's, 714-965-5151.
If you have any questions about these seminars, contact the individual Turner's Outdoorsman store.
#publiclandhunting #publiclandbirdhunting #publiclandhuntingseminars #birdhuntingseminars #JimMatthewsbirdhuntingseminars #wheretogodovehunting #wheretogoquailhunting #wheretogochukarhunting #guzzlerlocations #birdhuntersscoutingreport #WesternBirds #quaihunting #chukarhunting #dovehunting #Californiabirdhunting #wheretobirdhuntinSouthernCalifornia