News &
For the Hunting and Fishing Sportsmen of Southern California
Western Birds
Our bird hunter's newsletter is simply the most detailed public land scouting report published in the world. Period. It is filled with details like your best hunting buddy would provide. It features detailed maps of areas we scout, including guzzler locations. We cover all game birds for Southern California hunters. It is now an ALL DIGITAL publication.
Our seminar series is designed to expose hunters in Southern California to the wealth of public land bird hunting in this region. The seminars teach you how find public lands where it is legal to hunt, available maps, GPS and phone use, details on where to hunt, and hunting tips. A trial subscription to Western Birds is included in the fee seminars.
Matthews Blog
Jim Matthews was published by 20 daily Southern California newspapers since the 1980s, ending the service in Oct., 2020. Jim Matthews' award-winning outdoor writing and commentary, both old and news, is available on this blog. It includes many historical pieces from the past that chronicle changes in hunting and fishing in SoCal.
Custom Quail Calls
Custom wooden quail calls are available for valley quail, Gambel's quail, mountain quail, bobwhite quail, and scaled quail. Go to the Quail Calls page for information.